This is an old revision of the document!

List of public information on Intel x86 microcode and related info

Intel 8087

“Extracting ROM constants from the 8087 math coprocessor's die”

Intel 80486dx

Think this site might have some images of the bits, but might need a better pass if someone was really serious about it

Intel Appendix H

This was leaked a while back (by accident?) from a research group. Someone also wrote an OpenOCD module to feed instructions in as microcode

Relevant documents?

  • “P5 EXTERNAL DESIGN SPECIFICATION, External Architecture Specification, Revision 1.3 January 15, 1992”

Intel Pentium 2 Klamath

Intel Atom Goldmont

“Five Intel Microcode (uCode) Sequencer's arrays for Atom Goldmont core named according to our guesses”

vendor/intel/microcode.1589948166.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/05/20 04:16 by mcmaster
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