{{tag>collection}} License: Everything I upload here is using a CC-BY-4.0 license. Delayers on my website / patreon are for personal use only. Web: * Main page: http://ic.onidev.fr/en/index_dies.html * Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/TICS_Game * Twitter: https://twitter.com/TICS_Game * Mastodon: @onilink@mastodon.social * IRC: irc.libera.chat:6697 #TICS Objectives: * ms5x, ms10x ms20x are Olympus MSPlan 5x/0.13, 10x/0.30, and 20x/0.46 objectives * lms50x is an Olympus LWD MSPlan 50x/0.60 objective, but I don't use it much because of the low N.A. * 100x is an Olympus 100x/1.25 oil objective If nothing is specified, expect the following setup: * 1.5x Magnification * BH2-TR30 Trinocular Observation Tube * 0.5x Reduction lens * Swiftcam SC300 CMOS 4.51mm*3.38mm 2048x1536 If a different magnification is used, it will be specified after the objective. Ex: 100x-1.0 is for 1.0x magnification. Images: {{topic>collection_marmontel}}