{{tag>collection_misc vendor_apple vendor_vlsi type_unknown year_unknown foundry_unknown tech_unknown}} "Apple floppy chip for later Apple II, IIgs, early Mac" ====== Package ====== Per http://www.downloads.reactivemicro.com/Users/Henry_Courbis/Pics/IWM%20Pics/chipinpackage.jpg - PLCC. "theres 3 known revisions of the IWM: the prototype/ceramic one, the -A one and the -B one." * This is revision B. (VLSI logo) 736VAI850T VF4060-1QC 344S0041B (M)(C)APPLE'82 ====== Die ====== License: "I hearby release the images and files on http://www.downloads.reactivemicro.com/Users/Henry_Courbis/Pics/IWM%20Pics/ under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) License." [[http://siliconpr0n.org/map/apple/344-0041-unk/reactivemicro_mz/|MZ]] * [[http://siliconpr0n.org/map/apple/344-0041-unk/single/apple_344-0041-unk_mz.jpg|Single]] (3900x4080, 9.2 MB) ====== References ====== Source: http://www.downloads.reactivemicro.com/Users/Henry_Courbis/Pics/IWM%20Pics/ * 2016: Broken 2023: URL fixed.