VAX-11/750 DC615 ALK Arithmetic & Logic Processor Control chip

This is a DEC chip and as such is known under multiple IDs:

Schematic        : ALK
Schematic        : DC615B
Package          : 615B
Package          : 19-14689-00
Bill of Materials: 1914689-00

Implements extended control functions for the ALP chip, including the multiply/divide state machines.

Built on the DC600 gate array, providing 400 4-input STTL NAND gates.

Technology specifications per EK-KA750-TD-002 (CPU Technical Description):

    Implementation Technique - Gate Arrays
    Circuit Technology       - Low-Power Bipolar Schottky
    Circuit Density          - Large Scale Integration (LSI)
    Die Size                 - .215 in x .244 in
    Power Utilized per Die   - 2 W max
    Package Size             - 1.44 in2 (2.4 in x 0.6 in)
    I/O Circuits per Die     - 44 I/O transceiver gates
    Logic Gates              - 400 identical 4-input NAND gates
    Voltage Used             - 2.5V, 5.0V
    Speed per Gate           - 5 - 10 ns



The package is an odd pinless version of a 48-pin sidebraze CERDIP. In the machine the die faces towards the PCB and a heatsink is attached to the top of the package (facing the back of die).






  • Single (15548×13690, 192.525MiB)
pbx/dec/dc615.txt · Last modified: 2024/12/24 00:15 by pbx
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