Table of Contents

FIXME: need to update this page. In particular:



Only supported under Linux (tested under Ubuntu 14). If you find minor tweaks to make it work with others (ie Windows), I'll take them. But I'm not interested in a large rewrite


Core required:


Installing via github

For Ubuntu:

  1. sudo apt-get install -y git hugin
  2. cd ~
  3. export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:~/pr0ntools/pr0ntools
  4. export PATH=$PATH:~/pr0ntools/stitch
  5. alias
  6. alias
  7. alias
  8. alias

Installing via pip

Probably too outdated to be useful. Don't use

Assumptions and notes

Although these tools are meant for very large stitches, this tutorial uses a small project. Use this to get familiar with the workflow to avoid (time) costly mistakes in large stitches.

“$” indicates a command to execute. For example “$ ls” means type ls followed by enter in the terminal



  1. $ Make sure you already setup the tools as indicated above
  2. $ cd ~
  3. Get test data
    1. $ tar -xf ad_ad534_mz_mit20x_raw.tar.bz2
    2. $ cd ad_ad534_mz_mit20x_raw.
  4. $ pr0nauto
  5. Hugin GUI
    1. GUI should open on a special reduced project (center will be missing)
    2. Crop and rotate to your desire
    3. TODO: add additional details how to do this
    4. TODO: fix bug / add note about bad pr0nauto
  6. $ pr0nts
  7. Directory outputs
    • single: a .jpg with of the entire ROI selected in Hugin
    • st: “supertiles”, one more intermediate partial .jpgs. In this example there will probably be only one
    • out: Google map tiles that can be ingested by pr0nmap

Step 1: acquire images

Take images with roughly 1/3 overlap to each neighbor. Tag them with x/y or r/c in the file names so that they can be used in positioning heuristics.

Example file name: r0012_c0311.jpg

It shouldn't matter the order or if you use any 0 padding. I generate these using pr0ncnc which could probably be adapted to your system but as of now is fairly specific to mine. I did convert it from g-code generation to live runs over USB without too much effort so someone else's system probably wouldn't be too bad. And the g-code generator probably still works if you can use that.

Step 2: generate features

cd into the directory with your images

Execute a command like: pr0nstitch *.jpg out.pto. This will take some time but should give you a progress indicator of which match its on.

When its done you will get a file called stitch-errors.json. Look through it for images that couldn't be matched. If there are any that have 0 matches you should probably patch them up by hand by loading the project into Hugin

Step 3: optimize

BUG: you must first open and it resave it in Hugin for PToptimizer to take it. I haven't investigated why this is yet. As a workaround use pr0npto –hugin out.pto to do this from the command line

Execute something like:

pr0npto –optimize out.pto

This may take a while but you should get occasional progress indicators. When its done I recommend you center it using pr0npto –center out.pto

Step 4: Crop in Hugin

I might eventually automate this but for now things have to be done manually. Open it Hugin and do the following:

Step 5: stitch

You have several options at this point:

Execute “pr0nts out.pto”. A folder called out will be created with the tiles. This may take a very long time. There are a lot of options on this tool so try –help and read over them if you need to weak things

You should use the maximum amount of memory you can to create the largest supertile possible. I will eventually add an optimize option where it will calculate the best supertile scheme based on your machine's memory.

Step 6: create map

Now that you have tiles you can turn them into a map. Execute pr0nmap out and it should create a dir called “map” that has index.html an subdirectories with tiles. Try its help options to see what else it offers.

This should be a reasonably quick operation and will get much faster at each successive zoom level as it creates the next generation of tiles. It only loads on 4 tiles at a time so this should not take a lot of memory.

Step 7: finishing up

Open index.html and you should see your chip. If at the highest zoom level you aren't really getting anything over a previous level consider deleting all of the tiles in that directory and lowering the maxZoom parameter in index.html