List of chips that have been converted (or are in the process of being) converted back to layout and/or schematic. Where possible the data is linked below

Partial chips that have had only the mask ROM, sub-circuits, etc are not counted. Basic logic chips are not counter either.

Also a big list here:

Vendor Chip Layers Visual Schem Status By Notes
Acorn TubeULA Link DONE Dave Banks From original design scan (link). Design layout? Are these scans available?
AMD 9085 Link DONE Pavel
AMI 8735 “Atari ANTIC” ijor Link
ARM ARM1 Private Private DONE Private 2015-02-08: not public, not sure if it ever will be. If we want a public version it may need to be re-traced
Atari 10444D “TIAMIA v6502 v6502 page says its fully simulated but I can't find a link on their website
Atari 2600 Link DONE v6502 Blog post
Commodore 8701 Link v6502
HP HP-35 Link Peter Monta
Intel 4001 ROM Link Link Lajos Kintli Blank ROM, dynamically updated with a real content by the analyzer program
Intel 4002 RAM Link Link Lajos Kintli
Intel 4003 shift reg Link Link Lajos Kintli
Intel 4004 CPU Link Link 4004 team Are the die photos published? Maybe doesn't matter since Flylogic posted set
MOS 6502 ? Link DONE v6502
MOS 65CE02 Link DONE Pavel
MOS 6532 “RIOT” v6502 v6502 page says its traced but I can't find a link on their website
MOS 6581 R2 Link
MOS 6581 R3 Link
MOS 6581 R4 Link
MOS 6702 Link Pavel
MOS 8580 R5 Link
Motorola 6800 ? Link DONE v6502
Motorola 68000 Link DONE Olivier Galibert
Nat Semi DM7880C Link
Nintendo RP2A03G Link Link DONE Quietust Uses lightly modified Visual 6502 ChipSim
Nintendo RP2C02G Link Link DONE Quietust Uses heavily modified Visual 6502 ChipSim
RCA 1802 Link Partial? v6502
USSR? KR580VM80A Link DONE Vslav

i8080 clone

Votrax SC-01-A Link DONE Olivier Galibert
WD WD1772 Link 99% (minor errors) Olivier Galibert
Zilog Z80 2015-02-08: sent e-mail asking if could be made public

OKI 8052 (83C154), MAX856 schematics:

In progress

Vendor Chip Layers Visual Schem Status By Notes
Yamaha YM2151 cr1901
Yamaha YM2203 Olivier Galibert
CPG 1818vg93 Link Abandoned
Top metal done

Forum post
Konami VRC-VII Link Stalled Quietust Chip not yet delayered

Link Abandoned JM
Nintendo RP2C33 Link Stalled Quietust Chip not yet delayered
Nintendo DMG-CPU-B gekkio
Sony CXD8530CQ (CPU)
Sony CXD8561CQ (GPU)

Quick list

Repo here

  • SVN handles partial checkouts making large files easier to work with
  • Sourceforge isn't great, but it was the only reasonable SVN hosting I could find
  • Sourceforge hatemail will be ignored without a reasonable alternative suggested

digitized.txt · Last modified: 2023/05/05 20:06 by mcmaster
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