Contact: JohnDMcMaster *at* or digshadow on Disocrd. Once you have an account go to your_first_page
Thanks for your interest in contributing data to the silicon archive! We accept any chip images / data you have, regardless of quality. In short if you want your data added:
Provide a copyright release for your work. Generally this is some form of Creative Commons such as CC BY 4.0 (you want attribution but any use is allowed), CC BY-NC 4.0 (you want attribution and no commercial usage), or CC0 (public domain). If you need help with this we can provide additional guidance
If you want attribution in the copyright release, please specify how you want to be attributed
Optionally you can have an account created for you if you want to contribute directly
We need a handle for the account name / namespace. By default we'll use your last name or server handle, but let us know if otherwise
Supply a first contribution image including 1) who makes the chip (ex: Atmel) 2) the part number of the chip (ex: ATMEGA328P) 3) the files including die shots and/or package photos
Send the requested info to a server admin (usually John / digshadow). They will create your first page
Copyright release including how you want to be attributed
Requested handle for your account / namespace
Image(s) for your first page
Consider joining the sipr0n discord (email admin for a link)
While we will take all chip image data, a few factors may affect how we ingest and prioritize it. Some quick notes:
The focus is on chip images / layout. We generally aren't collecting datasheets or other adjacent technical info
The most valuable submissions are for a chip that hasn't been previously imaged and that we have a package photo for
A low quality photo of a chip we've never seen is generally more valuable than a high quality photo of a chip we already have. Ex: a high quality ATMEGA328 photo wouldn't be as valuable, but if you had a grainy photo of a prototype Motorola 68000 we'd love to have that
Anything that is encumbered by copyright may be added to the private “research” collection. Ex: proprietary chip layout files
Once you have an account with upload permission, check out the upload page for more information. This will include specifics like how to name files