2023 update: “The Smithsonian Chip Collection website launched in 1998 to provide access to our exceptional collection of microelectronics objects and images. The site contained information about individual donations of objects, images and documentation tracing the history of integrated circuits. Most of that information was later duplicated on other Smithsonian websites or can now be found in other locations on the web. The Chips Collection website was retired in 2023.”

Given this I'm now hosting a mirror of the lost content: https://siliconpr0n.org/media/smithsonian/ice-sca/

Front page: http://smithsonianchips.si.edu/ice/icesum.htm

IC analysis: http://smithsonianchips.si.edu/ice/s4.htm


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URLs were previously to PDF files within http://smithsonianchips.si.edu/ice/cd, but they now point to copies archived here.

smithsonian/start.txt · Last modified: 2023/11/26 15:17 by balrog
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