This is an old revision of the document!

Project goal: open source tools to drive BP programmers to enable more advanced R&D (ex: raster scan laser to find fuses)

Secondary goal: explore options to make high quality legacy parallel port units (ex: BP-1600) usable on modern computers. One good option might be to RE protocol and network them with a RPi

Parallel port

EOL notice:

LN: is the last one which works with parport
LN: however i'm not sure that one runs on xp!
LN: that one does bitch at you that parport is EOLed
LN: 5270 is the last one which doesn't bitch
LN: if that bothers you

VM operation

Card: StarTech Parallel Card - SPP/EPP/ECP EC1PECPS

Without any programmer you get this:

Since there is no programmer attached to any LPT or USB port, the software will operate in the demo mode.
If you are trying to use a programmer, make sure it is powered up and plugged into a parallel printer port (LPT models) or a USB 2.0 port (USB models).
Use the File/Configure command to establish communications with the programmer.

Tried to use PCI express parallel port with VMWare. Got this (BIOS: bidirectional):

"programmer site 1 did not respond to reset"

VM performance very poor even before launching BP software. Gave up and went to real windows system

Hooked up EC1PECPS to native Windows XP t61 system and wokred fine.

JM inventory


  • BP-1410 (in the mail)
  • BP-1600

Socket modules

  • SM48D (DIP)
    • And one more coming with the BP-1410 I think
  • SM-84UP
  • SM32TC
  • Custom BGA module
  • SM44QC
  • SM100TQ
bpm/start.1429597009.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2015/04/21 06:16 by mcmaster
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